Croc Valley Camp is in full swing for the season with plenty of visitors from all over the world! After a challenging time during covid, the entire valley is breathing a sign of relief as the guests have returned and are enjoying the park again. We have had some amazing sightings – one guest even captured a video of an aardvark on a night drive!
August is especially busy for us – as we welcome our returning and first time visitors. Our campsites overlooking the river have been consistently full – with overlanders, backpackers and even the big tour bus from Intrepid Travels and others. Our river tents are well booked and guests enjoying the new veranda furnishings. And our eco tents seem to be very popular this year, with the addition of private ensuite bathrooms in each tent.
We love having a full camp and seeing our game vehicles returning with excited guests full of stories of their sightings in the park. And it’s not just the park – the other night we had a leopard stroll past the pool before turning aside and walking behind the turtle rooms. We tried to get a picture, but everyone on the deck were too astounded to get a clear shot! Not to mention elephants strolling through the garden again, as well as the usual bushbucks, baboons and vervet monkeys running through camp. Check out our sightings on our Facebook page and like and follow for more updates.
Elephants crossing the Luangwa river
The weather has been beautiful with warm days and cool nights – typical August for South Luangwa. The wind has picked up and is whispering of warmer days to come – so we are enjoying the cool nights with our blankets and campfires.
Our guests report that arrival into Zambia has become much easier, with requirements easing to just proof of vaccination or a negative covid PCR test within 72 hours. Proflight has added more scheduled flights from Lusaka often flying twice a day. And the overlanders report border crossings are mostly back to normal (it is Africa, so leave extra time in your schedule for crossing at the borders).
So all is well at Croc Valley – why don’t you plan a visit? Herbert can help you book your stay at and arrange transport. We would love to host you and show you our beautiful valley – whether for the first time or a long awaited return! Hope to see you soon.
A tent with a view